14 research outputs found

    Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skills through “Kunci Inggris” Videos in Islamic Junior High School

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    Personal ability of a teacher when integrated with good learning material will make his students get more involved and absorb teaching material better hence improving their foreign language. There are many materials may be used to teach, one of them is videos. The video is expected to trigger students’ enthusiasm and improve their motivation. Eventhough, in using the video teachers must make sure that the exercises or tasks are challenging enough, yet not too difficult for them causing desperation even de-motivated in studying foreign language.For the research, SMP Agus Salim was selected as the pilot project because its uniqueness in having student from relatively lower class and good Islamic atmosphere eventhough it is not a Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Islamic Junior High School). This research (R & D) was an explorative research to search for some ideas on how English is delivered in class, what kind of supporting media used and how was students’ progress on year to year when the teaching system in class using “Kunci Inggris” that becomes the object on this research. In the research, it were not only students, teachers and education expert but also television experts were involved in the production process since the purpose is to make the product eligible to be broadcasted on TV. Therefore two standards were used to measure the result, i.e. education and TV media standard. The research and development methods employed in this research contains of three main components: (1) model development, (2) procedure development, and (3) the product testing. The final product was developed using 10 steps of R&D Borg and Gall produced 11 videos of “Kunci Inggris’ that have been distributed in some schools, in neighborhood area of SMP Agus Salim, Semarang. Also, videos were uploaded in YouTube channel and distributed on social media of WhatsApp messenger. In conclusion, the dominant numbers of population show that students enjoy and feel happy with the use of “Kunci Inggris’ in their class. All video is considered good and valid for implementation and dissemination on teaching. The video was distributed in 3 other schools, having similar profile to SMP Agus Salim, and then broadcasted in TVRI Jawa Tengah as Public Service Announcement programs. The video is also uploaded in YouTube channel and distributed via WhatsApp messenger. Keywords: Speaking skills, videos, Islamic Junior High School, students


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    The CTL strategy is an interesting phenomenon to study and research, considering that this CTL has a positive effect on learning outcomes, the objectives are: 1) Knowing the CTL, 2) Knowing the implementation of the CTL, 3) Knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors of the CTL. The research method used is naturalistic field research. The data in this study were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the CTL for steps to instill discipline and responsibility. Second, the implementation of the CTL for Fiqh subjects in instilling discipline and responsibility for worship is guided by the seven components of the CTL. These components include: constructivism, inquiry, asking, learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic assessment. Third, there are supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the CTL for worship. Supporting factors include: teacher readiness, infrastructure, student activity, and learning environment. As for the inhibiting factors include: limited time, student abilities, and unequal supervision between the school environment and the family. The implication of the results of this research is that teachers can use CTL as a teaching method so that PBM or the teaching and learning process becomes more interesting to carry out studies and research for the sake of advancing education in the future.Strategi CTL merupakan fenomena menarik untuk didalami dan diteliti, mengingat CTL ini memberikan efek positif bagi hasil pembelajaran, tujuannya adalah: 1) Mengetahui perencanaan strategi CTL, 2) Mengetahui implementasi strategi CTL, 3) Mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat strategi CTL. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan naturalistik. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi CTL melalui perencanaan pembelajaran yang memuat langkah penanaman sikap disiplin dan tanggung jawab. Kedua, implementasi strategi CTL mata pelajaran Fiqih dalam menanamkan sikap disiplin dan tanggung jawab beribadah yaitu berpedoman kepada tujuh komponen strategi CTL. Komponen tersebut meliputi: konstruktivisme, inquiry, bertanya, learning community, modeling, refleksi, dan penilaian otentik.  Ketiga, terdapat faktor pendukung dan penghambat pada pelaksanaan strategi CTL mata pelajaran Fiqih dalam menanamkan sikap disiplin dan tanggung jawab beribadah. Faktor pendukung meliputi: kesiapan guru, sarana prasarana, keaktifan siswa, dan lingkungan belajar. Adapun dalam faktor penghambat meliputi: waktu yang terbatas, kemampuan siswa, daan pengawasan yang tidak seimbang antara lingkungan sekolah dengan keluarga. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah para guru dapat menjadikan CTL ini sebagai salah satu metode mengajar agar PBM atau proses belajar mengajar menjadi lebih menarik untuk dilakukan sebuah kajian dan penelitian demi untuk kemajuan Pendidikan ke depannya

    Perubahan Kesadaran Berzakat, atas Pengaruh Video Iklan Layanan Masyarakat dan Dampaknya pada Masyarakat Jateng dan DIY

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    This study aims to find out how much influence public service video ads have on zakat awareness. A total of 200 Muslim respondents from Central Java and Yogyakarta. The research method used is linear regression, which is processed with the help of SPSS 16.00 statistics. In addition to the study, a response was also made to the video on public service advertisements and a description of the awareness of the people of Central Java and Yogyakarta. From the findings, it was found that 19.2% of zakat awareness increased after watching a public service advertisement video. Positive findings are expected to be the light of the people of Central Java and Yogyakarta to immediately pay zakat. The amil zakat institution is also expected to be helped in terms of increasing the zakat conscious movement through mass media facilitie